Brad Carmack at Transhuman Visions Conference


Association director Brad Carmack will present on Mormon Transhumanism on March 1 in Piedmont, California. Details and registration below!


The first TRANSHUMAN VISIONS conference SOLD OUT 3.5 weeks before the February 1 event, indicating a massive interest in transhumanist ideas. Buoyed with confidence, Brighter Brains Institute is now producing a second event in the East Bay, on March 1, with a fresh new lineup.

Max More and Natasha Vita-More are the Keynote Speakers of TRANSHUMAN VISIONS 2.0 - EAST BAY, plus there’s 15 other luminaries: John Smart, Zoltan Istvan, Monica Anderson, Brian Wang, Linda M. Glenn, Nikola Danaylov, Michael Anissimov, Grace Walcott, Hank Pellissier, Gray Scott, Dr. Egil Asprem, Kevin Russell, Brad Carmack, Abelard Lindsay, Andre Watson, Gennady Stolyarov II, Wendy Stolyarov, Andrez Gomez Emilsson, and the Terra Nova Robotics Club of Pacifica.

This posse of futurists will pontificate on topics like Nootropics, Artificial Intelligence, Radical Life Extension, Psychedelics, Polygamy, Existential Risks, Bioethics, Cryonics, Mormonism, Positive Futurism, The Singularity, Nanotechnology, and Robotics.

For everyone who couldn’t get tickets to the first event, for everyone who wants to return for more amazement, for everyone who finds the East Bay more convenient - you can get your tickets now via EVENTBRITE for TRANSHUMAN VISIONS 2.0 East Bay. Like the first event, this one is All-Day, from 8:30 am - 9:00 pm.

Venue is Piedmont Veteran’s Hall, 401 Highland Avenue, in Piedmont - between Magnolia Avenue & Vista Avenue. The auditorium seats 200 people, plus there’s a dining / merchant room, a kitchen, a lobby, a veranda, abundant parking, and a long balcony overlooking a spacious grassy park directly across the street.