Board Member Roselle Stevenson Resigns



Dear members and friends of the Mormon Transhumanist Association:

We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. Today, we must address a development that we believe is important to share transparently. One of our Board members, Roselle Stevenson, has been facing a challenging situation involving legal matters.

It is with sadness that we announce Roselle's resignation from the Board of the Mormon Transhumanist Association. Roselle has been an invaluable part of our Association, contributing her time and energy to move our shared mission forward. However, we have been informed that Roselle is currently facing felony charges that are unrelated to her involvement with the Association.

We want to underscore that the Mormon Transhumanist Association is not in a position to validate or pass judgment on the legal circumstances at hand. We uphold the fundamental principle of “innocent until proven guilty,” and we trust the legal system to address these allegations with fairness and impartiality.

While Roselle maintains her innocence, considering the situation and to ensure that the focus of the Association remains unwaveringly on its mission and the vision we serve, she has tendered her resignation from the Board. This decision, though difficult, reflects her desire to address these matters independently without casting any shadow on the work of the Association.

This transition is regrettable, but our commitment to the vision and objectives that define the Mormon Transhumanist Association remains steadfast. We would like to reassure you that the Board of Directors and management team are diligently working to ensure a smooth transition. Our collective dedication to our mission remains unaltered. And we continue to serve our community with the same zeal that has always been a hallmark of our movement.

We are particularly grateful for your support and understanding during this challenge. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

Carl Youngblood
President and CEO
[email protected]

About the Mormon Transhumanist Association:

The Mormon Transhumanist Association promotes abundant flourishing through the compassionate use of science and technology.

We explore the intersection of science, technology, and religion. We believe that human ingenuity is essential for positive outcomes (both for us and the biosphere), that the learning that comes from this process is necessary for our exaltation, and that the religious impulse is a core part of humanity that should be leveraged for good. Our Affirmation lists additional beliefs.

We meet together, hold conferences, and promote awareness of these topics. We also foster dialog between people of diverse backgrounds. We seek to persuade secular people that religion and science are not mutually exclusive, and to persuade religious people that science and technology are essential aspects of the divine. We encourage both of these audiences to engage with the world more wholeheartedly.

Learn more.